Remei supports cotton farmers in Tanzania already in the critical conversion phase to organic farming
Conversion from conventional to organic cotton farming (cotton in conversion) takes three years. This is how long the soil needs to recover from artificial pesticides and adjust to organic fertilizers. Crop yields usually drop during conversion, and the cotton that is brought in cannot yet be sold as certified organic cotton. Many farmers give up organic farming during this challenging phase.
To counteract this development, Remei has been supporting the farmers in Tanzania since this year already during the three-year conversion to organic farming with a purchase guarantee and additional organic premium as well as with training and know-how.
“In the course of integrating the organic businesses into Remei, we not only support the Indian farmers during the conversion phase to organic farming, but now also the Tanzanian farmers. In this way, we are able to further drive organic farming in the Tanzanian production area of Remei organic cotton and sustainably improve the living conditions of small farmers in the Meatu and Maswa districts,” says Simon Hohmann Co-CEO of Remei.
Remei’s Tanzanian subsidiary works in Tanzania with around 1,900 organic cotton farmers in 29 villages in a participatory manner.