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Remei thanks its trading partners for their generous support of the cotton farming communities in India during the COVID crisis in spring 2021

We sincerely thank our trade partners for their solidarity and generous short-term financial support to the Indian organic cotton farming communities severely affected by the crisis, during the second COVID-19 wave in spring 2021.
With the donations received, the bioRe Foundation was able to provide much-needed immediate help for COVID patients in the organic cotton growing areas by organizing fifteen oxygen concentrators at an early stage and launching an ” COVID Emergency Program”. The program informs local communities about COVID-19, supports people in the region with medicines, oxygen equipment, disinfectants and masks, and enables emergency transport. It also provides free diagnostic services, X-rays and various tests related to COVID. A mobile health bus provides emergency assistance in Kasrawad, Maheshwar and Pipalgaon.
Our heartfelt thanks also go to the local team of our organic farming company bioRe India Ltd. and the bioRe Association, also local, who jointly implemented the emergency relief program. Our heartfelt thanks also go to the volunteers from the village communities.