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The new my-trace by Remei clip is out


Transparency is the prerequisite for sustainable development and drives change: my-trace stands for transparency in the supply chain all the way to the raw material.

Transparency is a prerequisite for traceability: Behind my-trace is the company Remei, which has around 30 years of experience in supply chain transparency, supply chain development and traceability of and sourcing for organic cotton textiles.
The traceability tool my-trace was developed to help retailers and brands disclose and map their own transparent supply chains.

Via QR code scan, my-trace leads directly to the supply chain of the traced product. The traceability of (own) brand products becomes provable and enables consumers to easily navigate through the manufacturing processes of products: from the raw material – through the production and supply chain – to the finished product.

Transparency creates trust: The need for transparency is increasing. Real information and facts about the origin of products are becoming more and more in demand and are gaining in importance over claims, product labels or various seals, or may even replace them in the future.

The aspect of corporate supply chain responsibility is changing from a “nice to have” to a “must”. The legal framework regarding the disclosure of supply chains and their development on a global scale will become stricter in the coming years, and companies’ duty of care will become more demanding.

Linking due diligence to the development of transparency in supply chains and to communication on the product creates an edge over competitors and brings credible communication on the topic of transparency. The visibility of information at the POS, i.e. comprehensible transparency at the product, is a tangible competitive factor.